Trusted Electrical Panel Upgrade in Boerne & San Antonio, TX

If you suffer from frequent breaker trips or blow fuses, call the electrical experts at Hunter Service Group in Bexar and Kendall Counties at 210-701-0192.

Safeguard your electrical system. Our expert electricians in Hunter Service Group are ready to help whether you need breaker box replacement, panel box installation, or an electrical panel upgrade. We serve Boerne & San Antonio, TX, so book your appointment now.

Think of your electrical panel as the conductor for your home’s electrical system. It directs power to the various devices and appliances you use daily. A malfunction can cause power outages or lead to a fire in severe cases. Our team can expertly assist and educate you with the best possible solutions for your electrical needs.

When an electrical situation is over your head, call Hunter Service Group for fast 24 hour emergency electrical services.

5 Reasons To Consider an Electrical Panel Upgrade

You probably never think about your home’s electrical panel. We at Hunter Service Group know most people stick with the one that came with the house. However, electrical panels age and power needs increase, so upgrading your panels is best.

Even if your panel isn’t damaged, here are five reasons to consider upgrading or replacing it.

Older electrical panels can pose a safety risk, leading to electrical fires, shocks, or electrocution. Upgrading ensures your system is safe and up to current standards.

Increased Power Needs
Modern homeowners need more power than ever, thanks to gadgets that need constant charging. If you’re using an outdated electrical panel, chances are you’re not getting the juice you need to handle the load.

Home Renovation or Expansion
If you’re renovating or adding to your home, you may need to upgrade the electrical panel to handle the greater power demand.

Insurance Requirements
Some insurers require homeowners to upgrade their electrical panels before providing coverage.

Resale Value
Finally, an upgraded electrical panel can increase your home’s resale value. Buyers typically prefer homes with modern, safe electrical systems that can handle their power needs.