Boerne & San Antonio, TX, Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation

Protect your family from the dangers of CO poisoning with a carbon monoxide detector installation. Call Hunter Service Group in Bexar or Kendall Counties at 210-701-0192.

Installing a carbon monoxide detector is a cost-effective way to prevent a tragedy from happening in your Boerne & San Antonio, TX, home. Luckily, our expert technicians at Hunter Service Group can assist and educate you about it.

Carbon monoxide is called a silent killer. According to the CDC, more than 100,000 people in the U.S. visit the ER every year due to accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning is risky if your home contains a gas stove, fireplace, wood-burning stove, or gas water heater. Call our pros to learn more.

Our smoke detector installation could save your life. Call us today.

How To Know You Need Carbon Monoxide Detector Replacement

Like smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors can save lives. However, they can’t do much good if they don’t work. Here are the most common signs you need to replace your CO detectors.

Constant Beeping
If your carbon monoxide detector constantly beeps, it needs to be replaced even after you’ve replaced the batteries.

The average lifespan of a carbon monoxide detector is seven years. If your unit is older than that, replace it.

Frequent False Alarms
You don’t want to get into a situation where your CO detector constantly gives false alarms because you won’t believe it when it’s a warning. Multiple false alarms mean your detector is at the end of its lifespan and should be replaced.

No Alarm
Like smoke alarms, you should get into the habit of regularly testing your carbon monoxide detector. If it fails to work during a test, replace it immediately.

It Lacks Modern Features
Today’s CO detectors have peak memory level features and digital displays. If your unit lacks these features, consider upgrading.

If you’re unsure whether your CO detectors need to be replaced, call Hunter Service Group to get them inspected by expert technicians.

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